*.52 for paypal fee Choose quantity based on number of days.

*.48 for paypal fee

Mail in a donation using the paper form here.

  • Sadaqatul Fitr (Zakat-ul-Fitr) – Your Sadaqatul Fitr is distributed in grains. $10.00 per person (+$0.52 PayPal fee).
  • Iftar (Arabic: إفطار) – Donate to the Iftar fund. There is no specific cost for Iftar.
  • Fidyah (Arabic: الفدية‎‎) – This is compensation for those unable to fast due to illness or old age. $8.00 per day (+$0.48 PayPal fee).
  • Zakaah (Arabic: زكاة‎‎ Zakāh, “that which purifies”) – Choose an amount to donate.